
Why write a food blog?

I have found myself at a cross roads in life. Much too young for one I suppose but never the less I am here. What seems like ages ago, when I was in high school, I was diagnosed with cancer.  Now, a mere ten years later, I have 3 degrees, a knee that does not perform up to normal functioning limits and no idea what to do with my life.

Now what? I have a master’s degree and no job to show for it! Not because I couldn’t find one mind you, I found a few great ones and was about to take one that I thought was perfect in San Antonio, TX when…. BAM! When kidneys attack! I got horribly sick and nothing was explaining my illness and I just kept getting worse to the point where I could hardly walk 20 ft without feeling as if I’d pass out.  All of that happened as I was in the final interview stage of this job… awesome, I know. Come to find out I was suffering from acute kidney failure. It has since been managed and I am back to feeling mostly healthy. But my knee is really kickin into gear with the pain and so it’s just be a whirlwind. 

During all of this I have been living at home with my large and in charge family and basically being the personal chef. I love it! I haven’t really taken the reigns all the way yet, just cooking 3 nights a week about. But that is all changing starting NOW. 

My plan now is to cook… EVERYTHING. I’m going to try all kinds of recipes and try them out of the family and post the results and so forth. Kind of a road to self discovery if you will but mostly I really enjoy it! I love seeing my family enjoy it, I love the time spent preparing and tasting, I love getting to be creative and change recipes as I please, and I want to share it. If you want the recipe, I’m happy to give it out. If I get high demand for them I’ll post but until then… it’s just work haha. 

What’s on tonight’s menu you ask? Chicken Pot Pie! Simple, traditional, and a family favorite! A friend of mine made it and posted pictures and I thought, “oh yea! I forgot about that dish!”  I haven’t made it in years and I’m doing it from scratch so let’s hope it’s the creme de la creme!

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